Monday, April 30, 2007

back on (again) and those damn inchworms!


1. i went riding sunday with my husband. it was nice, except the weather is causing his asthma to act up.

2. we rode a few miles on the new bike trail to lebanon. it was nice and included a nice bridge and hill. we didn't go the whole way (long story, my fault) anyway, despite my husband's bitching that trails are not as fun as streets, this was nice.

3. i never thought i'd say a caterpillar was ugly, but the tent caterpillars sure are. perhaps that's because they've invaded my street, wriggling all over the damn place. i wanted to use the deck for a's birthday party, so i am paying $50 to have them killed off of the tree in the back yard. gah.

this relates to cycling because they drop from the sky on long webs and, yech, just another reason not to ride with your mouth open.

4. now that i'm off for a few weeks, i'm planning a ride every day. it's about time to go out now...

5. in local news, the newspaper reports a man was pulled over for not having a headlight on his bike. police discovered crack and coke on the guy as well.